This product works by replenishing normal vaginal acidity and balancing vaginal flora (helpful bacteria).
Boric acid comes from a mineral found in sea water.
Our "Pearl Poppers" relieves yeast infections and BV within hours. Our Pearl Poppers is made from a mineral found in sea water, working quickly and effectively to relieve female infections and foul odor, especially chronic ones that are resistant to other types of treatments.
These suppositories can be used when you feel a little "off" as our pH may shift after our period, unprotected sex or high sugar consumption bringing your pH back its its normal range.
What is Boric Acid?
Boric acid, the anti-fungal kill, derived from boron. Boric acid has antibiotic properties against both fungal and bacterial infections which makes it effective at relieving symptoms of both BV and Yeast. Boric acid is a great option for women with recurrent and chronic symptoms of vaginal yeast infections and BV.
DO NOT TAKE BY MOUTH! If swallowed or taken orally, call poison control immediately at 1-800-222-1222.
This product is for the external and internal irritation, burning, itching and discharge associated with a vaginal yeast infection. If this is the first time you have these symptoms, consult a doctor.
1. Wash and dry hands
2. Insert 1 capsule in vagina
4. Put on a panty liner.
5. Proceed with daily activities
Continue this for 3-7 days ( or when symptoms subside) In resistant cases, insert one capsule in vagina twice a day for 10-14 days.
Do not use when menstruating.
While using suppositories, some woman experience discharge within the first few days, this is normal and can be attributed with bad bacteria dying off and being released from your body. Within days, symptoms will subside.
These are used to regulate your vaginal PH. If you have vaginal odor, this is a good way to get rid of foul odor some may experience.
Warnings and side effects: may cause minor irritation. Sexual intercourse is best avoided when using this product.
Do not use this product if you are experiencing abdominal or pelvic pain, fever or greenish foul discharge. Consult your doctor immediately.
Do not use if pregnant or breast feeding without consulting with your doctor first.
Keep in a cool dry place. These statements have not been evaluated.
Follow your doctor's dosing instructions.
Avoid handling the suppository too long or it will melt in your hands.